Summary : What to say when you talk to yourself by Dr. Shad Helmstetter

1. Our programming determines our beliefs which in turn determines our attitudes which determines our feelings that dictates our actions.

2. If we desire to change, we need to focus on changing our  programming.

3. Our mind can view as a computer, if we can change the input we will change the output.

4. We can use what we say to ourselves to reprogram our minds, self talk.

5. If we can tell ourselves something often and strongly enough we can reprogram ourselves.

    6. Basically all self talk is in the present tense. E.g. "I am disciplined" or "I am valued"

    7. You will need around 12 statements around a particular topic that you desire to change in order to make self talk effective.
    E.g. 1. 'I am disciplined." 2. "I stick to my goals" 3." I am not easily deterred " 4. "I love accomplishing my goals." etc.

    8. An effective method of using self-talk is to record yourself and listen to it over and over.

    9. Fifteen minutes a day is the minimum for listening to self-talk sessions for effectiveness. Repetition is the secret to reprogramming your mind.